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How can I avoid bronchitis

Frequent coughing and wheezing during breathing are obvious symptoms of bronchitis. Can it be cured at home? .. Find out now:
 Many of us have persistent bouts of coughing, believing they may indicate a common cold, but this persistent cough may alert you that you have bronchitis, which can be treated at home or in some cases you may need to visit your doctor. Next to know how to treat bronchitis at home, and when do you need to visit your doctor?
What does continuous coughing indicate?
 A cough is a common symptom of cold, which is the body's way of getting rid of sputum or mucus, but if a cough continues after the cold has disappeared, consult your doctor. It is also important to tell your doctor how long your cough lasts. If you notice any other or unusual symptoms, if coughing results in a thick green or yellowish lump, or you have wheezing accompanied by a high fever, with night sweats or coughing Accompanied by blood, these may be signs of a serious condition that needs to be visited by a doctor. A persistent cough may also be a sign of asthma, and its causes are respiratory infections such as cold, flu, dust, cold air, or allergens. Asthma may be responsible for up to 25% of all chronic cough triggers, and you may not realize That the lungs have a role in it.
What is bronchitis?
 Bronchitis, sometimes referred to an as cold chest, is known to occur when the airways in your lungs are inflamed, there is a lot of mucus, and there are two types of bronchitis:
 Acute bronchitis
 It is the most common and is usually caused by a viral infection, and sometimes smoking is responsible for the infection or causes the condition is worse than a normal cold, but not bad pneumonia.
Chronic bronchitis

 Is a cough that lasts for two months to 3 months every year for at least two years and smoking is considered the most common cause of chronic bronchitis.
Symptoms of bronchitis

  Symptoms of bronchitis include Frequent coughing that results in mucus. Lack and lack of energy. The sound of whistling when breathing. Fever.
When should you contact your doctor?
 Call your doctor if you have: a cough that lasts more than 2 weeks to 3 weeks. Fever. A cough that results in blood or mucus colored or short breath or wheezing.
Can you treat bronchitis at home?
 The following tips can help treat bronchitis at home: Drink liquids every 1-2 hours. Comforts. Non-smoking. Relieve body pain by taking aspirin or acetaminophen. Children under the age of four should not be given anti-cough and cold medicines. Always note the color and amount of mucus and how often you cough or a cough in a day. If you have a dry cough or a little mucus, your doctor may prescribe a cough medicine to prevent it or prescribe a repellent expectorant for mucus to cough easily.
How can I avoid bronchitis?

 Refrain from smoking. Do not allow others to smoke in your home. Stay away or minimize your time with things that irritate your nose, throat or lungs such as dust or pets. Get rest if you have a cold. Take care of your medicine in the way your doctor tells you. Eat a healthy diet. Wash your hands a lot. Do not share food, cups, glasses, or utensils.
How can I avoid bronchitis?

 Refrain from smoking. Do not allow others to smoke in your home. Stay away or minimize your time with things that irritate your nose, throat or lungs such as dust or pets. Get rest if you have a cold. Take care of your medicine in the way your doctor tells you. Eat a healthy diet. Wash your hands a lot. Do not share food, cups, glasses, or utensils.
How can I avoid bronchitis?
Finally, dear reader, pay attention to note any symptoms mentioned above and follow the developments of your condition first-time for the correct diagnosis and thus know how to treat bronchitis correctly by the doctor

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