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Treatment of high blood sugar. Its causes and its most important symptoms

Causes of high blood sugar
Symptoms of high blood sugar
Treatment of high blood sugar
Tips for lowering blood sugar
Consequences of high blood sugar

High blood sugar is a major concern especially for diabetics of type I and II, so treating high blood sugar is essential in the life of the patient, the frequent rise of blood sugar may lead to serious complications such as: peripheral inflammation of the nerves, and the occurrence of damage to organs (kidney, Heart, and eye).

So let's all know the causes of this disease and its most important symptoms and how to treat high blood sugar.

Causes of high blood sugar

  • Do not take your insulin dose.
  • Eat a lot of carbohydrates.
  • Infection, anxiety, staying sick for long periods, and hard physical activity.

Symptoms of high blood sugar

Early symptoms include: increased thirst, headaches, difficulty concentrating, blurred vision, and weight loss.

Advanced symptoms include: frequent vaginal infections, slow wound healing, nerve damage, limb cooler, and erectile dysfunction. 

Treatment of high blood sugar

  • The treatment of high blood sugar includes the following: liquids, either oral or intravenous. 
  • Insulin therapy, where insulin reduces blood sugar. 
  • After the normal rate arrives your therapist will look for the cause of the altitude, and you may need to adjust your insulin dosage. 
  • Know the causes and diagnose them by conducting tests to ensure that there is no defect in the insulin ratio, and can be treated through the use of injections or pills. 
  • The use of stem cells that are insulin-producing in the pancreas, so as to cover the necessary body's need of insulin.

Tips for lowering blood sugar

When any of the foregoing symptoms are preferred to perform a random blood analysis if the ratio is more than 180 mg/dl, there are some tips to reduce the rate of diabetes:

  • Eat more water as the water works to flush the excess sugar through the urine.
  • Exercise, if you have a high rate of diabetes, exercise may reduce the percentage, but be careful if you are the first to test for ketones first, if there are ketones in the urine exercise you will increase your diabetes.

The previous tips may not be helpful in some cases, but they serve as a first aid until you go to the hospital, but when you go to hospitals, the doctor will perform the tests such as:

  • A random analysis of blood sugar.
  • Examination of the electrolyte found in the blood (e.g. potassium).
  • Examination of the urine ketones.

Consequences of high blood sugar

The presence of ketoacidosis: ketones are poisonous acids that result from fat cracking, so when the diabetes rate rises the body starts to smash fat to get energy, the ketones and the ketones lead to the occurrence of sugar coma.
Diabetic Hyperhidrosis syndrome: It has a diabetes rate of more than 600 g/dl, and it is possible to cause dehydration that can lead to death. Neuropathy. Diabetic retinopathy.
Slow wound healing.
Fungal infections.

and vaginal infections.
And in the end the prevention is better than the cure with some simple steps you follow like, taking care of your medications with the diet described by your therapist will be able to control the rate of diabetes.

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