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Epideral back needle for half-anesthesia in childbirth and its advantages and disadvantages

The back needle has become one of the most prevalent phenomena of our time, does it really make you enjoy a painless birth? But sometimes you feel there is a risk of using half-anesthesia, and what is the difference between half-anesthesia and general anesthesia? All these questions are known to us in this article about the back needle for half-anesthesia during childbirth.

Definition of Midanesthesia and injection

Anesthesia in the epidural area (apabydural) in the spine is done by injecting a local anesthetic near the nerve roots of the spinal cord, preventing pain in entire areas of the body such as (abdomen, pelvis, legs). Anesthesia is used in the epidural area in lower abdominal surgeries and legs, and is increasingly used in childbirth, and is also used to control the pain caused by major surgery in the chest, abdomen. A hollow needle and a flexible catheter are inserted in the area between the spine and the outer membrane of the spinal cord and a half anesthetic is placed and the needle is removed afterwards. Spinal anaesthesia is done in a similar way but is done using a small needle and the drug is injected directly into the spinal fluid.
Is it true that the needle of the back will achieve the dream of birth without pain?
The painless delivery of the dream of many ladies, and with the scientific progress appeared anesthesia and women became able to see the process of childbirth without feeling pain, through the use of Paraanesthesia.
Types of anesthesia for pregnant women during childbirth
There are two types of anesthesia, either half-anesthesia, or general anesthesia, and the best is the use of half-anesthesia, but there are some cases that require the use of general anesthesia.
Whichever is better. General or migraine anesthesia during the birth process?
Although half-anesthesia is used in childbirth, there are some cases that require the use of general anesthesia such as: the presence of bleeding disorders. The failure of the Midanesthesia. The need for an operation immediately.
However, half-anesthesia remains the best, as there are complications of general anesthesia, including:

Inability to put the breathing tube. Pneumonia. Permanent brain damage. Poisoning caused by narcotic drugs. Reduced breathing capacity of children immediately after childbirth. Advantages of a back syringe for anesthesia during childbirth there are some advantages for the back syringe:
Use a small percentage of the substance. Avoid problems caused by general anesthesia. The mother's involvement in the birth process. Maternal mortality rate is low. Reduce the rate of blood loss. Lower pain rate after surgery.
Contraindications of the use of the back needle for anaesthesia in childbirth
There are some contraindications to using a back needle: the patient's rejection. Non-cooperation of the patient. Difficulty in locating the needle inserted. blood clotting disorders. The blood is bleeding. The back needle causes the condition to deteriorate in multiple sclerosis patients. Allergy to Paraanesthesia medications.
Side effects of using a back needle for anesthesia in childbirth

The occurrence of side effects of a rare back needle, but there are some complications which can occur include: low blood pressure. Dizziness. Itching. Convulsions. Breathlessness. Gradual weakness in the upper limb. Loss of consciousness. Headaches occur in 1% of people who undergo paraanesthesia. The back needle for anesthesia in childbirth between questions and concerns although the half-anesthesia makes you awake and able to hear the sounds in the operating room but still do not feel any pain resulting from the process of childbirth and the needle of the back prevent the occurrence of pain.
Does a back needle for anesthesia during childbirth cause paralysis?
There are some concerns about the use of a back needle and some rumors have arisen about the occurrence of paralysis due to the use of the back needle but these rumors are unfounded, but it is possible to have a weakness in the muscles immediately after birth but the effect is relieved over time. Their association with spinal cord injury is the result of a medical error from the anesthesiologist and not a natural side effect of the spine.
Effect of anesthesia injection on women after cesarean delivery

There is little effect of using the back syringe after caesarean section, it is safe but in some cases a headache may occur, a decrease in blood pressure, but it disappears rapidly.
Headache and a back syringe for anesthesia during cesarean delivery

Headache is one of the side problems of the back needle, but only in 1% of patients undergoing paraanesthesia, and the patient may get headaches due to several factors including: low blood pressure.  Using a large back needle instead of reaching the epidural area, it penetrates the epidural area due to the large needle size which leads to headaches. When headaches are caused by low blood pressure, the headache soon disappears after the operation in a few hours, and headaches resulting from the penetration of the epidural may last for five days after the operation.
You must call your doctor in the following cases
High temperature (more than 38).  Liquid from the needle injection area. The feeling of inability to move one of the parties.
Are there ways to reduce the likelihood of headaches after a migraine injection?
There are some tips to avoid headaches: keep your blood pressure steady before you perform surgery. The second advice is for the therapist to choose a back needle that matches the patient so that he does not feel the headache after the surgery.

Facts about the back syringe for anesthesia during childbirth

Finally, here are some facts about the back needle: The back needle is better than general anesthesia. Complications of a rare back needle. The back needle does not cause paralysis. The back needle is safe for a painless birth.

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