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Cleaning the colon by natural methods and foods to prevent diseases

How To Clean Colon Benefits Of Colon Cleanse How To Clean Colon By Natural Ways Colon Cleansing Side Effects Risks Of Colon Cleanse Tips For Colon Cleanse

The food enters the stomach that is digested and converted into two parts. The beneficial part is absorbed by the blood, and the harmful part turns into stool, but it remains stuck in the colon and causes irritation of the colon and a lot of pain and increases the problems of the digestive system and may in some cases cause stomach diseases. Great for detoxification in the abdomen and colon, to regulate digestion and to prevent diseases, so learn how to clean the colon by natural methods and some drinks.

How to clean the colon

There are several ways to help a person clean the colon, including the natural medical ones, namely: enemas, which is used to stimulate the body and help him to output, an excellent laxative helps to treat constipation and clean the rectum through fluids that enter the body through the anus.
Intestinal disinfectants help clean the colon.
Natural ways by drinking natural drinks contain a high content of dietary fiber and antioxidants that help to expel toxins from the body. Whether you use the medical method of injections and laxatives, or the natural way with herbs, cleaning the colon has many benefits.

Benefits of Colon Cleanse

Helps to get rid of the following problems and diseases: get rid of bulges and abdominal gases get rid of constipation get rid of headaches get rid of stomach infections get rid of irritation colon get rid of indigestion problems increase body energy and concentration physical relaxation and stress due to bulging colon.

How to clean the colon by natural methods

These methods are easy and simple to maintain daily for a week or more to get rid of problems and disorders of the digestive system, namely:
  Apples contain a high proportion of dietary fiber, which helps to facilitate the movement of food inside the intestine, thus alleviating the digestive problems, in addition to the apple helps to burn fat for those suffering from obesity problems and thus is a protection and at the same time important to get rid of digestive disorders.
Way of use
Cut the apples into slices and put them in the blender with a glass of water and do not put the white sugar, and eat this juice daily at dinner.
Yogurt, or yogurt, as it is called in the Arabian Gulf region, is useful in regulating digestion. It is a good digestible food. It also saves you from digestive problems due to eating heavy meals. It helps to get rid of stomach disorders and helps to equalize the acidic environment of the stomach. Of acidity of the stomach.
How to use
Eat a cup of yoghurt daily as an alternative to dinner, and you can put lemon drops on it if you are following a diet.
  Lemon contains vitamin C is an important citrus health of the body, and this vitamin helps to produce antioxidants within the body, and eating lemon juice helps to get rid of toxins in the body, lemon helps stimulate the liver and stimulate it to expel the toxins accumulated in the body.
How to use
Take the lemon juice on your lap. Place the lemon slices in a metal pot on the fire after adding a glass of water to it. Leave until boiling, then turn off the gas and drink it after it becomes warm with a teaspoon of honey.
Drinking water
  People who do not drink water often complain of dryness of the body, cracking of the skin and the appearance of skin infections. This is because the body is unable to expel the toxins and therefore leads to kidney disease, so eating warm water on the stomach helps you to get rid of toxins in the body and stimulate the liver.
sea ​​salt
 Sea salt helps to eliminate toxins from the body, using the most famous Chinese alternative therapies. Massage, massage and colon massage help to stimulate the colon to get rid of existing bacteria and thus facilitate the process of exhalation.
How to use
 Take a few tablespoons of sea salt on a cup of water and drink it to get rid of stomach disorders.
 Ginger helps to get rid of fungi and bacteria in the abdomen, which is a natural way to get rid of parasites.
How to use
Place a tablespoon of ground ginger in a cup and pour boiling water over it, leave it covered until it is warm, you can sweeten it with honey and then drink it.

Side effects of colon cleansing

 Certainly I have thought about the side effects that can happen to you because of colon cleansing such as vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain. Rotor and mark on drying. Intestinal perforation. infection. Mineral imbalance. Let us tell you that these effects are possible and not certain, and in most cases the colon cleanser has not reported these side effects.

Risks of colon cleanse

Do all the cases have to do so? Of course, there is no list of those who are banned from using natural methods without consulting a doctor: severe hemorrhoids. Crohn's disease. Ulcerative colitis. Tumors in the rectum or colon. Who has had recent intestinal surgery. Suffering from heart and kidney disease.

Tips For Colon Cleanse

These tips help you do colon cleansing, which is: Replace hydrogenated oils with flaxseed oil, because it contains a high percentage of fiber and vitamins. Eat leafy vegetables such as spinach and lettuce as they help to facilitate food movement in the intestines. Make raw vegetables the foundation of your basic meals, such as carrots. Eat vegetables that contain fibers such as bananas and plums. Eat nuts because they help to facilitate foods in the intestines. Eat foods like quinoa, kiwi and brown rice. Exercise helps to expel toxins from the body.

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