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Bras can be a cause of breast cancer?

What do bras have to do with breast cancer? Breast cancer relationship with chest size some ways to prevent breast cancer
Breast cancer is one of the diseases prevalent among women, it does not distinguish between large or small, and multiple causes of infection and varies from person to individual, but one of the most important questions that come to the minds of women can bras be a cause of breast cancer?
Perhaps the reason for the spread of this question is a book published in 1995, the book was published under a name that was worn to kill you dressed to Kill as mentioned in the book, the wearing of the bra prevents the release of different toxins from the breast to the lymph nodes, and thus collects inside the breast causing cancer.

What do bras have to do with breast cancer?

This question has been the focus of many women for over 20 years, and a research has been conducted to find out the relationship between bras and breast cancer. This study was carried out on many of the women who are completely healthy, including those who are already suffering from breast cancer, in this study many questions were asked about their habits in wearing bras, including: what is their size? How many hours do you wear every day? When did you wear it for the first time?
The result was that there was no correlation between women's wear to breast campaigns and cancer, and a number of studies had been conducted between breast size and breast cancer, and therefore had to do with their increased risk of being infected with bras, and because of this study a lot of  Women wear bras, believing that it reduces the risk of breast cancer, but now the question is, is there really a relationship between breast size and chest cancer?

Breast cancer relationship with chest size

The research carried out did not provide clear answers to this, there are many reasons that play a significant role in the infection, including the problem of overweight and obesity.
Because the information available on the matter is somewhat mixed, it triggered a stir on the bras, because these women think that these suspenders are one of the reasons that may increase the risk of injury so why not throw them aside, so that we can control the matter and keep ourselves. Because we do not know how our genes, our physical structure, our living environment, and our lifestyles are controlling the risk of cancer, many and many questions may revolve within our minds, including what may be right and wrong, so we strive to find some ways that may help us in Prevention of breast cancer.

Some ways to prevent breast cancer

Keep your weight.
Weight gain is one of the most important causes of cancer, so you need to keep your diet, make sure you eat healthy foods, and get your doctor to advise you on what to do to keep your weight.
Exercise the way you prefer and enjoy, and make sure you do it periodically, which is one of the most important ways to keep your body healthy.
Do the breastfeeding.
If you are a new mother, use breastfeeding instead of relying on industrial dairy, it is one of the effective ways to reduce the risk of infection.
Avoid smoking
If you are a smoker, start off immediately, try again and again to finish it, it is one of the main causes of cancer.
Know the history of your sick family.
Surely you cannot control this, but knowing more will make you more cautious, but it will help you to perform periodic checks in order to avoid infection.

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