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Heart attack. Their causes and how can they be handled?

We often hear about the health problems of heart patients, most notably the heart attack, which may lead the patient to pay for it, God forbid, and between terms such as heart attack, heart muscle failure, heart clots, people sometimes in this article we will take a tour starting from understanding these three terms down to the marks  Warning and hazard signs and prevention

Heart attack. Clarification of terminology

Beginning we must remember that the heart is a muscle pump, and like all the muscles in the human body provides it with food and oxygen blood flowing in arteries stretching and branching into the heart muscle and called coronary arteries. The problem begins when clots are formed within a coronary artery and the blood flow through this artery is interrupted, resulting in the inability of a part of the heart muscle to get food and oxygen (heart clots). With the passage of time and the absence of the flow of blood carrying oxygen and food from a part of the muscular tissue of the heart, this part begins to die, and the expression of angina is used to denote the death of part of the muscle tissue by depriving it of oxygen-carrying blood (angina pectoris). If no intervention is made to prevent the death of more muscular tissue, the condition may extend to the death of a large part of the heart muscle tissue, resulting in the inability of the heart to function and to fall into heart failure and cardiac failure (myocardial insufficiency). This successive deterioration is called the "heart Attack", and can be interfered with at any stage and stop its progress with the use of appropriate medications.

Factors that increase the likelihood of a person getting a heart attack

The first is the treatable and modifying factors, which can play a major role in prevention such as:
Smoking. Hypertension. High blood cholesterol. Overweight and obesity. Unhealthy, high-fat, high-salt food. Lack of exercise. High blood sugar. It should be noted that the medical follow-up of these factors and the care to avoid them plays a major role in the prevention of the heart attack.

The factors influencing the occurrence of the heart attack are natural factors
Age, the likelihood of a heart attack increases for men from the age of 45, and for women aged 55.
The family history of the disease increases the likelihood of a heart attack in persons belonging to families where crises and heart health problems recur.
Pregnancy poisoning, in pregnant women the failure to treat it with high blood pressure may significantly lead to a heart attack.
Symptoms of the crisis
A feeling of pain, tightness, heaviness and pressure on the chest.
Pain in the arm, back, perjury or jaw.
A sense of indigestion or heartburn in the upper part of the abdomen. Sweat, vomiting, dizziness. General weakness, stress and breathing disorder. Rapid and irregular heartbeat.
These symptoms of a heart attack are actual if it lasts 30 minutes, without improvement despite the comfort and treatment of nitroglycerin under the tongue.
A heart attack in a symptom-free form may cause a silent heart attack, although it can occur in anyone but is more common in people with diabetes.

What do I do for someone with a heart attack?
If you are this person, do not be reassured that the symptoms occur slowly and quickly contact a doctor, because the heart attack may occur quickly within minutes but it can also occur slowly over several days gradually increasing symptoms. If you are diagnosed with heart problems, keep your emergency medications close to your fingertips, and your residents know where they are. Time to keep a card in your pocket bearing your name, your health problem, the name of the emergency medicine and the dosage. If someone in front of you enters into a heart attack, try asking him about the crisis medication, or take him quickly to the nearest hospital or doctor.

Diagnostic tests of the heart attack
EKG. Blood tests, to measure the ratios of enzymes specific to the heart muscle cells in the blood. Acoustic test on the heart.

The objectives of the therapeutic intervention for the cardiac crisis
Eliminate clots that clog the coronary arteries. Prevent the formation of new clots. Expansion of narrow coronary arteries. Prevent the death of more heart muscle tissue. Treatment for heart and crisis patients is prescribed by individual case and priority of the goals, and the doses are calculated according to the weight of each condition and its health conditions.
The conclusion in the heart attack
First, avoiding risk factors and pursuing them is the best way to prevent. Second, keeping emergency medications close to you and not underestimating the symptoms even if it seemed simple is the perfect way to cure. Thirdly, getting out of the heart attack with the least loss and health is still very good.

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