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Gastric germ. Causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

What is gastric germ? Causes of gastric germ complications stomach germ symptoms gastric germ diagnosis Gastric germ treatment Gastric germ healthy foods for a patient stomach germ foods don't come near her when you get the germ. Methods of preventing gastric germ

Do you know a lot about gastric germ? Have you ever hit her, you may not feel her presence and cause you severe pain without knowing that she lives in your stomach, some feel stomach pain and is known to exist only by laboratory analysis, so to learn more about the causes and symptoms of gastric germ is important for you to cure and prevent it, because it may pass to your children galore D your family, after using the same personal tools.

What is gastric germ?

It is a type of bacteria known as "(Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori") coexists in the stomach and in the duodenum, causing inflammation of the infected person, as it causes some diseases such as gastric ulcer, and can not be treated quickly to develop to stomach cancer, and increases these bacteria from the acidity of the stomach because Its presence in the acidic fluid of the stomach.
Causes of gastric germ
There are several causes of infection, namely:
  1. Share personal gadgets with someone else, such as spoons and cutlery.
  2. Not caring for the cleanliness of the food, and leaving it uncovered in the air.
  3. Food and water contaminated or picked up by sewage bacteria, and reaches the human body through saliva.
  4. Transmission from a person infected with the germ through the sharing of food.
Complications of gastric germ

This pathogen causes the following complications: increases the acidity of the stomach, due to its presence in the acidic fluid of the gastric. Causes inflammation of the stomach and small intestine. The germ produces toxins that affect the stomach and cause loss of appetite. Gastric germ may develop into gastric cancer (this occurs in rare cases). Anemia and anaemia may be caused by GERD and the body's inability to absorb the iron element found in foods. It may evolve into a clogged valve in the heart (which in rare cases).
These complications occur if not treated quickly, which is important for you to treat the germ, with the onset of symptoms.

Symptoms of Gastric germ

From these symptoms you can know if you are infected or not:
The feeling of pain is annoying and severe, and this pain lasts from minutes to hours. Increase the ph of the body, to an extent unsustainable, and reach the acidity to the mouth. Gerd, because of the germ that makes your stomach refuse to eat. Loss of appetite and weight, and do not feel that you are able to eat. Belching a lot. Stomach infections, such as severe bulges, are accompanied by diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. (in severe cases) dizziness or fainting in severe cases. Shortness of breath and pale skin in severe cases. Therefore, the gastric germ should be processed quickly, and you may feel two symptoms together or several different symptoms, but if you only feel one symptom, it is similar to other stomach diseases.
Diagnosis of Gastric germ

When you go to the doctor you are asked to go to the lab and perform the following tests: Test the antibodies in the blood CMV antibodies, this test will detect the germ found in your body. The stool test worked "stool Examination", to see if there were diseases in the digestive tract, and a specimen is taken from the person to reveal the presence of a virus or bacteria of the color of the stool, showing the malabsorption. The work of the breathing test: UREA BREATH test, in which the patient gives a special liquid syrup containing urea, nitrogen and radioactive carbon, and an examination of the wax and exhaled in a plastic bag, if the person has a gastric germ changes the ingredients of exhalation. Work a laparoscope to make sure the germ is in the stomach, and that it has not caused other complications. A CT scan in some hospitals exposed to X-rays with a liquid drink containing barium, in some cases.
Gastric germ Treatment
These medications can't be taken on your own. The doctor must be sure to write the number of doses needed for your condition: The doctor will give doses of the antibiotic (omeprazole, metronidazole and clarithromycin, for a period of one to two weeks, which may be prolonged or shortened depending on the degree of injury, Omrazazole on acidity, gastric ulcer, and the metronidazole drug on viruses either clarithromycin is a large-scale antibiotic that treats respiratory infections and limits the risk of microbes reaching the heart. After prescribing the first medications the doctor describes a whole range of medications which are Proton Pump inhibitor, which treats gastric ulcers and indigestion. The doctor may prescribe dietary supplements of probiotics yeasts, which maintain the beneficial bacteria present in the stomach, which addresses digestive problems such as diarrhea.
Healthy foods for Gastric germ patient

At this time, the patient feels that it is not eating foods, and some already stop eating, but this is not true for the health of the body:
At this time you may feel increased heartburn and eating may increase heartburn more, so it is better to fast for 3 days with plenty of fluids and better natural juices prepared at home, eating fruit juice of fiber like apples. Then when you feel better eating boiled like potatoes and vegetable soup without adding spices, you can diversify into foods of fruits such as boiled apples. Drink such as green tea and warm chamomile, to soothe the stomach.
Foods you don't approach when you get the germ.
There are some foods that contain substances that increase the irritation of the stomach wall, it is better to stay away from them: stay away from foods that are not rich in dietary fiber such as white bread and pasta made from white flour. Do not drink coffee, tea, nescafe, and substances that have a percentage of caffeine, because it causes stomach irritation. Stay away from Pickles because they cause excess infections. Foods that contain a percentage of spices such as Indian and Asian foods in general, and spicy Mexican foods. It is best to avoid foods that contain a percentage of hot chili, as it increases stomach irritation. Citrus fruits of all kinds such as oranges and lemons.
Methods of prevention of gastric germ

As we return the nature that the distance from it causes us a lot of trouble, so protect yourself from gastric germ, by following these methods, namely: wash your hands after you exit the bath, and before eating do not eat uncooked food and raw. Do not eat food from people who do not wash their hands. Eat foods that contain whole grains rich in dietary fiber, which helps to facilitate digestion. Eat foods that contain omega-3 oil like fish. Eat foods that contain ginger and garlic, to strengthen your stomach and your immune system. Stay away from smoking in that period.

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