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Smelly body odor : the ways to dispose of them

We all suffer from the stench of the body in everyday life, the body may sweat too much, and emit foul odor, as a result of exercise and when the body is warm. The body is also affected by psychological conditions such as being under pressure, or in situations of anxiety and nervousness.

It must be known that the body has two main types of sweat glands, which produce two different types of race. Both types are odorless, but the underarm sweat, and in the pubic area, becomes unpleasant when it finds an environment suitable for bacteria, which naturally exists on the surface of the skin, mixing with it causing that odor, where the hair helps to accumulate more sweat. When there is an unusual change in the body odor rate, either by increasing the secretion of sweat (hyperhidrosis) or never sweating (no sweating), this is always the result of an important cause, and when there is a change in body odor, this may be a sign of a pathological problem.
Unpleasant body odor Symptoms
Some people may naturally experience unpleasant body odor, increase or decrease more than other people, as well as body odor may vary from one person to another. See your doctor in the following cases:

  • An increase in body odor is more unpleasant than the natural limit. 
  • If you cause sweat disorder in your daily routine.
  • If you start to suffer from unpleasant body odor at night for no apparent reason.
  • If you notice a change in your body odor.

Causes of unpleasant body odor
The skin has two main types of sweat glands, namely, the ethnic glands of the cedar, and the ethnically-filtered glands. The pine glands are found in most areas of the body and open directly to the surface of the skin, while the glands are found in the areas where the hair is available, such as underarms and the pubic area, which is initially opened with hair and then on the surface of the skin. When the body temperature rises, the channel's sweat glands secrete fluid on the surface of the skin, which acts as a biological means of lowering the body's temperature by evaporation. This liquid consists mainly of water and salt.
The disused sweat glands secrete a liquid of a special nature, especially when the person is in a psychiatric condition such as emotional anxiety, and this fluid is odorless, but when he finds the fertile environment of bacteria on the surface of the skin unite with it causing that stench of the body.
Diagnosing bad body odor
Your doctor will ask you to history your patients, and perform a physical exam as well. It may also be required to analyze blood or urine, to determine the cause of the problem, and to find out whether it is a health problem such as infection, diabetes, or hyperthyroid activity.
Treating unpleasant body odor
If you are concerned about the stench of the body and the odor of your body, the solution is very simple, anti-perspirant, deodorizer does not need a prescription.
Antiperspirants, containing aluminum compounds, which in turn temporarily close the pores of the sweat, thus reducing the amount of leachate from the body that causes the stench.
Deodorants can eliminate the stench, but they do not have a role in the amount of sweat, which is usually compounds of alcoholic substances that transform the skin to the itching, making it less attractive to bacteria. Deodorants contain aromatic substances that conceal body odor and foul sweat. The doctor will describe the aluminum chloride compounds in case of the inability to control the body's secretions, and some people suffer from redness, swelling, and skin after the use of these prescriptions, so it is advisable to wash the medicine place if irritation or itching occurs in this place.
Lifestyle and some home remedies
You can do some homework, which in turn reduces the body's unpleasant odor and reduces the amount of sweat, for example:

  • Bathing daily, regular bathing, with antibacterial soap, reduces the growth of bacteria on the surface of the skin.
  • Choosing the right clothes for everyday activity, use natural fabrics in your normal daily wear such as cotton, wool and silk, allowing the skin to breathe well. In the event of an activity, it is preferable to use synthetic fabrics in order to relieve the moisture of the skin.
  • Try the relaxation methods, do some relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation, which help to control the cause and sweat anxiety.
  • Change your diet, reduce the intake of caffeine-containing beverages, foods with smart flavors and fragrances, especially warm ones, where they have greater susceptibility to increase the amount of sweat and body odor than usual.

Prepare for Doctor's appointment
If you are going to the primary care physician in the health unit, you need to prepare some of the questions you will be directed to, and also be prepared for questions addressed to you. In some cases cases may be referred to a dermatologist. Here are some information to help you prepare for your appointment. What can you do if you suffer from smelly body odor? What are the main reasons for the onset of these symptoms? Is the situation that I suffer temporarily or chronically? What medications are available for my case, and which one is best for me? Are there alternatives to those drugs that he described to me? Apart from those questions that you have already prepared, please feel free to ask a question during your visit.
What do you expect from your doctor?
Babak ask you a number of questions, so be prepared to answer them, so you have enough time at other points you want to focus on and give them more time. Here's a bunch of doctor questions for you:

  • When did the first symptoms of the disease begin?
  • How many times do you get those symptoms?
  • Are symptoms constantly appearing or are they coming from time to time?
  • Is there anything to relieve your symptoms?
  • Is there something worse?

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