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Early wrinkles .. 12 reasons to appear in your face

Did you ever look in the mirror and realize at that moment that you're not going to stay 25 forever? Those signs, spots, and lines that are starting to emerge and that have never existed before, here comes your decision to start caring for your skin, but it remains to be remembered that there are some people who appear to be older than their real age and maybe them! So if you want to know the causes of premature wrinkles, follow the article below.
Premature wrinkles show you older than your age.
 Unfortunately, most of what you see on the skin of the effects at age 40 or 50 is the result of your habits that you are doing in the Twenties! Which may be due to wrong dietary habits, the time cannot be stopped but the causes of premature wrinkles can be stopped. We are also around these people who appear with dry skin with visible lines as if they never cared for their skin, and in fact this is quite real and they are now paying the price, so simply ask someone about his age believing that he is 50 or forty to know that in the late 30 only!
The causes of premature wrinkles are numerous causes of the appearance of premature wrinkles on the face as follows:
 Permanent exposure to the sun
 Sun exposure is one of the greatest causes of premature aging of the skin, with sun exposure being 70% of the causes of skin exposure to aging dramatically, as sunlight destroys the collagen fibers found in the epidermis, exposing the basic structure of the colagine to destruction in the process of learning the elastic tissue. The sun shows the skin tired and dry. This process of oxidation also causes the destruction of the genetic material in the cells and causes abnormal division of the cell, thus increasing the incidence of skin cancer, so make sure to wear a hat and sunglasses when you go out of the day and try to avoid sunlight at its peak between 10 and 3 pm. 
Over-intake of sugar
 If you are a sugar lover, it may be more likely to cause your appearance than you expect, so when your blood sugar rises, a process known as glycation occurs, and this process causes permanent damage to your collagen, resulting in wrinkles and lines, and the skin loses its elastic nature, so reduce the percentage  Consume sugar and find other alternatives to compensate for sugars through fruit, for example.
 There are two main reasons behind the emergence of smokers than their real age, where smokers suffer from the appearance of fine lines where the skin is thin, such as at the corners of the eye and above the upper lip, due to the use of muscles in those areas when the smoke from the cigarette. The second reason is due to low vitamin C levels in the blood of smokers, which is about 60% lower than non-smokers. Vitamin C is a major factor in the formation of collagen in the skin, so look for a way to quit smoking if you want to keep your skin.
Sleep conditions

 Do not be surprised at how your sleep affects the appearance of early wrinkles on your face. Sleeping on your face or side causes signs and wrinkles that will eventually become a permanent guest on your face. Sleeping on your side causes wrinkles on the cheeks and chin area. Sleeping on the back is the best way to avoid wrinkles, but some may find it difficult to sleep on the back permanently, so try to sleep on your back as much as possible and buy a pillow. Of soft cotton or satin to stay on your skin when you sleep in different positions.
Deficiency of proteins
 If you follow a low-protein diet, you simply live on the carbohydrates your body converts into sugars that can affect the making of connective tissue rigid and rigid. Your body needs protein to keep the tissue in your skin soft and soft. Without protein, your body can not produce collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, so be sure to take protein, especially the full protein for healthier young ones.
 Do not think that your mental and mental state does not affect your appearance and skin. On the contrary, it is one of the most important reasons for the appearance of early wrinkles. The different and persistent feelings of depression cause the telomeres at the end of our DNA lines to shorten. This will affect the DNA of all the cells in the body, causing the cell division to stop and cause premature death of cells, showing the effect on hair and skin. Depression also affects the production of stress-causing cells, especially when many people with depression have neglected to eat or have enough sleep. To deal with this condition, take available herbal supplements or talk to your doctor if you are depressed or persistent. For 6 months.

 Good nutrition here does not mean you eat high-calorie foods. Your body needs antioxidants that are abundant in fresh fruits and vegetables. Soluble antioxidants like beta-carotene, leptin, lycopene, and vitamin E are all found in vegetables and fruits. These anti-oxidants reach the inner layers of the skin more than any cosmetic substances such as creams, lotions, and lotions. It also repairs the damage caused by permanent exposure to the sun. Fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C also help produce collagen, berries, strawberries, and blueberries. And antioxidants, so make sure your diet is rich.
Alcohol consumption
 Alcohol consumption leads to the destruction of the color and build of the skin, especially around the eyes and nose. The appearance of dark circles under the eye and bulging of the eye and the face oversized. The capillaries break around the nose, giving them a red color. Deep tissue cracking in the skin causing damage to the skin.

 Persistent stress causes increased production of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cholesterol, which causes the aging of the skin to accelerate. Tension hormones also inhibit the natural synthesis of connective tissue, affecting bone concentration and altering the bone structure. Not only does this affect your features, Always try to look for ways to control the stress and stress you feel like yoga or consult your doctor.
Do not sleep

  Your body repairs and produces new cells for your skin during your sleep. The pituitary gland produces the necessary hormones for connective tissue. Many of us are exposed to days you could not sleep in. However, the persistence of this condition for many nights causes an accelerated appearance of aging on the face and other health problems. Organize a schedule for your sleep to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep. Also turn off all electronic devices such as computers and mobile phones.

 It is not surprising if you know that genes are one of the causes of early wrinkles, especially since we can not control this process. It prevents some people from making and producing enzymes more than others. If you have a father or mother with white hair since their twenties, for example, your chances of doing the same thing for you will also be high. Although you can not repair your internal genes, you can control external factors such as smoking, eating plenty of vegetables and fruits, Comforts. So if you have a gene that helps you to appear more youthfully, you can compensate for it with antioxidant foods and drink plenty of water that helps you get a smooth, healthy skin, and keep your body hydrated, although the water will not prevent the appearance of wrinkles, but At least give it moisturizing and prevent dryness, so be sure to drink 8 glasses of water a day.
Early wrinkles .. 12 reasons to appear in your face

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