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Just for woman's Vaginal dryness

Vaginal dryness is a problem that women may face at any age, but usually occurs in older women especially after menopause.

Causes of dehydration

Vaginal one of the underlying causes of vaginal dryness is low estrogen levels, which helps to maintain healthy vaginal tissues where vaginal moisture maintains, tissue elasticity and maintain the correct ratio of acidic inside the vagina. Estrogen levels can be reduced for a number of reasons, including:
Interruption of the menstrual cycle
It is the period that characterizes the end of the ovulation process in women, usually diagnosed after 12 months of interruption of the menstrual cycle, usually a break for PMS in the years or fifties, and the menopause is considered the natural processes that occur for all women.
Pre-menopausal period
This is the period before menopause, where it is considered a transition between the period of childbearing and menopause, and menopause differs from one woman to another, but may occur at the age of 40, but others may notice the appearance of this wider at the age of 30, and as a result estrogen rates are permanently prone to decline  And the height, and the duration of the menstrual cycle may also vary, it may increase or become shorter.
Other reasons
of childbirth. Smoking.
The ovaries are affected as a result of undergoing cancer treatment.
Immune disorders.
Ovarian resection.
Shjogren's syndrome.
Use of allergies, colds, and medications that reduce estrogen levels.
Washing the vaginal area.
The reasons given are usually associated with this offer, but you should go to your doctor for a thorough diagnosis.
When should I visit a doctor?
Vaginal dryness affects many women, although many ladies usually don't discuss it with a doctor.

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