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Get rid of hair dandruff in 5 tips only

The problem of dandruff is one of the most aesthetic problems that a woman's hair is exposed to and causes her great discomfort.

Hair dandruff often causes the hair to be exposed to more problems than it is to be shelled, damaged and also fall due to inflammation that affects the scalp due to the appearance of dandruff. This problem is the result of many nutritional causes and environmental factors faced by women such as unhealthy nutrition and continuous washing of hair or left for more than 3 days without washing, this is other than the dryness of the body that reaches the scalp and causes dandruff and the absence of vitamin A. This problem causes a sense of embarrassment Especially when the crust is on your clothes! 

To avoid this problem, keep it up with us. These daily tips that you follow will completely get rid of dandruff.

1-Use natural recipes
If you are suffering dear woman from a disturbing nightmare of dandruff you should stay away from cosmetic products that contain harmful chemicals because they do not completely eliminate dandruff and cause damage to the scalp. You have to process the crust using some of the nature recipes of your life that eliminate the scalp peels.

2-Avoid sun rays
Constantly exposure to sunlight causes the scalp to be infected with inflammation, burns and then dandruff. Try, dear. Avoid exposure to UV sunlight by wearing suncaps during the day out. You can grease the skin of the scalp in the sun where it is considered one of the most delicate areas in the body and must be cared for to avoid the injury of the annoying dandruff.

3-Do not use oily products
Cosmetics for hair that contain a very high percentage of oils and fats increase scalp dandruff. So you must stay away from her altogether. It increases oil secretions in the scalp, resulting in fat accumulation, and this is the main factor in the formation of head peels. These oily products such as gel, Vaseline and creams containing fats lead to the closing of the pores of the scalp causing the formation of a layer in the hair and lashes of the head. Avoid the use of oil-rich shampoo and replace it with the shampoos rich in Panthenol, which is a soothing and smoothing material for hair.

4-Do not wash your hair constantly
Hair care is an important aesthetic, but excessive washing leads to damage to the scalp cells, which helps to form dandruff. So, wash your hair only three times a week. While washing the hair, make sure to use a non-ferrous sulfate-free shampoo while avoiding the conditioner that contains the dimethylamine. These harmful chemical compounds cause increased dandruff on the scalp. You can also change the shampoo type every six months and choose anti-dandruff types.

5. Avoid stress and maintain proper nutrition
To get rid of my lady of dandruff problem you have to maintain a healthy diet, and you should eat more vegetables and fresh fruits and be careful to stretch the body with vitamin. Stay away from foods that cause skin allergies and thus the appearance of dandruff. Make sure you have plenty of water to help moisturize your scalp. This is with maintaining your mental state and mood and avoiding stress and anxiety and stress because it is the secretions of hormones that cause the crust to be.

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