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5 healthy meals friendly for Diet

Obesity and overweight are one of the biggest problems many people face. Obesity is a very serious illness for health.
 The risk of obesity is that it is a disease that comes alone, but is accompanied by a range of other diseases such as diabetes, pressure and arthritis, and pain of bone and inability to walk and movement, and shortness of breath and others. There are also many problems facing the obese patient, so a healthy diet to lose weight, is difficult for some, because of the feeling of hunger. In this article, we will offer you a range of snacks that will help you to get plenty of fluids while at the same time helping you to slim and burn excess fat in the body.

1 - cucumber salad and chickpeas

The cucumber salad and chickpeas are tasty and light meals in dieting that benefit the body a lot.
In addition, this meal can be taken at any time, because it contains simple calories do not increase the weight significantly, and helps a lot to satiety and lose weight quickly.

The ingredients
5 beads of cucumber

 Half a cup of chickpeas

A red drawn bean chip

Parsley leaves

 A tablespoon of olive oil

How to prepare
- The option is sliced ​​into slices or cuticles as desired.

- Add chickpeas, olive oil and a little salt and black pepper.

- This recipe can be kept in the fridge for two days and eat in moderate quantities until satiety.
2 - chicken meal with red pepper

This meal is good for lunch or dinner and it helps a lot of satiety for long periods and is very useful and nutritious and the calories are very low.

The ingredients
Chicken breast panned boiled cubes

 3 pieces of sweet red pepper

 1 cup yoghurt, skimmed or low-fat

A tablespoon of mustard, salt and pepper

How to prepare
- Chicken broiled chicken or boiled and then cut into slices.

- Grind the red pepper, then place it over the chicken section in a bowl.

- Bring a cup of yogurt, salt, pepper, mustard and my heart lightly.

- Add the spiced yogurt to the chili sauce and pepper and mix the mixture until smooth.

Put the toast bread for dessert with this recipe.
3 - Oats with milk

Oatmeal is a friend of dieting it helps to satiety a lot, helps to burn fat and increases activity and vitality significantly.
In addition to the oatmeal taste wonderful and delicious Oat recipe can be served with milk to enjoy a healthy meal with a wonderful taste during dieting. The oatmeal recipe serves as a breakfast meal during the dieting system. It is a very useful and nutritious meal.

The ingredients
5 tablespoons oatmeal

A cup of skim milk

 Tablespoon of fruit sugar or honey

Vanilla atom

A bunch of nuts

1/4 cup cherry or blue berries

How to prepare
Put the milk on the fire to boil, then add to the oatmeal in a deep bowl.

Add the rest of the ingredients and enjoy a wonderful taste, tasty and saturated.
4 - Power with eggs and avocados

The recipe of eggs with avocados in one dish is wonderful and helps to satiety and to extend the body with many of the elements and vitamins that you need during dieting.
This simple recipe has a wonderful taste and is valid in all meals, whether breakfast, lunch or dinner, in addition to it also serves as light snacks between meals when feeling hungry.

The ingredients
His love of choice

Chopped cherry tomatoes

 Lettuce, parsley and green coriander

 Lemon juice

 2 boiled egg


How to prepare
Cut the vegetables into small pieces and cook the eggs and cut them into small pieces or slices. You can also fry the eggs with a little butter.

Chopped avocado slices or halves.
5 - lentil soup soup

This helps the soup to satiety significantly, in addition to it helps to warm in the winter, and extend the body energy and vitality. It is a low-calorie soup.

The ingredients
A cup of yellow lentils

 L of skimmed chicken soup

 2 Beans Islands

 Onion Seed

 A tomato

How to prepare
1 - Wash the lentils well and then add to the chicken soup.

2 - Put on the fire and cut onions, carrots and tomatoes and add vegetables to the lentils, and leave the soup to boil.

3 - Add salt and pepper and reduce the fire and leave the mixture until all ingredients are well cooked.

4 - Put the ingredients after cool in the mixer and mix well until the mixture is soft.

Boil the soup again and put it hot with toasted toast.

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