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Symptoms and causes of iron deficiency. How can it be cured?

Symptoms of iron deficiency
Causes of iron deficiency
Treatment of iron deficiency in supplements
Treatment of iron deficiency in medicine and surgery

Iron deficiency is one of the most famous types of anemia, which is caused by the lack of enough iron to produce red blood cells, which enables it to carry oxygen, what are the symptoms of iron deficiency in the blood? And why is it happening? How can it be cured? This is what we will discuss in detail in this article, readers,

Symptoms of iron deficiency

At first, iron deficiency may be mild to the extent that no one observes and has no symptoms, but with increased blood shortages the symptoms begin to become more severe, and the symptoms of iron deficiency and signs include the following:

  1. Abnormal fatigue due to reduced amount of oxygen that reaches tissues and deprives them of energy.
  2. Paleness of the face, eyelid and nails, due to the low hemoglobin level that gives blood its red color.
  3. Shortness of breath due to the inability of the body to effectively transfer oxygen to the muscles and tissues.
  4. Headache and dizziness due to insufficient amount of oxygen reaching the brain, resulting in blood vessels swelling and pressure.
  5. Heart palpitations because it works overtime to transport oxygen around the body.
  6. Dry hair and damaged skin, hair loss may occur.
  7. Swelling and wounds of the tongue and mouth.
  8. Restless legs and desire to move them during rest.
  9. Brittle and curly nails.
  10. Other signs are uncommon such as wanting to eat strange things like snow, clay, chalk, or coldness of hands and feet, or feeling anxious.

Causes of iron deficiency

Iron deficiency anemia occurs because there is not enough iron to produce hemoglobin, so if you do not consume enough iron, or you lose a lot of it, the body can not produce sufficient amount of hemoglobin, and the causes of iron deficiency include the following:

Blood loss
Blood contains iron inside red blood cells, when blood loss is lost some iron, women with heavy menstrual periods are exposed to iron deficiency significantly, and some pain relievers may be caused regularly such as aspirin. Iron deficiency in diet
The body regularly gets iron from the foods you eat, and if you consume a little iron over time the iron deficiency occurs in the body.
Inability to absorb iron
Iron is absorbed from food into the bloodstream of the small intestine, but intestinal disturbances can affect the ability of the intestines to absorb nutrients from digested food, including iron.
Iron deficiency can occur in pregnant women due to non-intake of iron supplements, because their iron stocks have a constant need to supply to support the growing fetus.

Treatment of iron deficiency in supplements

Your doctor may recommend taking iron tablets that are sold without a prescription to replenish the iron stock in your body, and will tell you the appropriate dosage for you, and your doctor may also ask you:

  • Taking iron tablets on an empty stomach because they usually cause stomach disorders when eaten after eating.
  • Not taking iron with antacids because it can interact with it.
  • Intake of iron tablets with vitamin C because it improves absorption.
  • Your doctor can recommend a laxative because iron supplements may cause constipation.

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