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5 modes of intercourse better for the buttocks

There are a large number of people who do not know that the practice of sexual intercourse has a great advantage in weight loss. The practice of intercourse helps to reduce many calories in all areas of the body, especially the buttocks area, get physical fitness and make the body tight and tight.

Because during the practice of intimacy may move all organs of the body such as legs, arms, thighs, shoulders, pelvic muscles, lower abdomen, buttocks. There are certain conditions that are used during the sexual relationship between men and women contribute significantly to burning fat accumulated in the area of ​​the buttocks and buttocks. Because the buttocks area of ​​the most areas in the body that accumulates fat. During intercourse these sexual conditions will be burning excess calories. Weight loss and helps intercourse to tighten the muscles also through this article will remind you what sexual situations that contribute to promote weight loss in the buttocks.

1. The first situation
 Is the traditional regular situation that everyone knows where the wife lies on her back and the husband is above her during the exercise of intimate relationship. This situation helps men and women to do some exercises for some areas of the body such as exercises for the legs, arms, abdomen and buttocks. In order to burn a large number of calories in both men and women. This situation contributes to the muscles of the man's body and get fit. This helps women burn fat, tighten buttocks, pelvic area, arms and waist.

2. The second situation
This situation is one of the most important sexual status of women as a real system for weight loss. To be the woman is dominant and controlling during the practice of sexual intercourse and be put the knight. This is done by lying on the back of the man and the woman is above him. This is a workout for weight loss and a sense of pleasure and ecstasy also in that one. When a woman reaches orgasm, she may help tighten the muscles of her buttocks and arms where the woman sits on her feet. You do a squat workout that works to burn fat and reduce calories.

3. The third situation
Is the position of standing and is done by the parking of the man and carries the woman who is also rolling her legs around the area of ​​his waist. Although men and women feel tired and tired during exercise, they help each other burn fat and tighten the muscles of the buttocks, hips, legs, and arms. This condition contributes to the body's fitness and relieves excess calories. The weight loss is significantly reduced with the continued exercise of this position during the intimate relationship between men and women.

4. The fourth situation
This sexual status is one of the most important conditions that work to lose weight for the buttocks significantly. This is done by sitting on the bed or on a chair or on the edge of the bed so that the area of ​​the vagina to the male member because the man is standing and parallel to the vaginal area. The woman may roll her legs around the waist of the man to be able to penetrate and the man in full waist between the legs of the woman and thus move all members of the body of men and women from the legs and arms and waist area to the area of ​​hips and buttocks and lower abdomen. All areas of the body can burn accumulated fat and muscle tension and maintain fitness.

5-The fifth situation
This is done by sitting on the edge of the bed or on a chair. The woman sits on his legs so that the vagina versus the penis. Both men and women embrace each other and make movements up and down and these movements are the secret of the thinnest man and woman because they are working to lose weight and lose significantly.

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