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Body sculpting... How do you get Marilyn Monroe's body?

Body Contouring
Weight loss
Slimming waist
Carving Butt and buttocks

Many body forms are what is in the form of apples, pears, or hourglass which is considered the most appealing form, and I was one of the most famous stars that got this body is Marilyn Monroe, and many want to become their body in this form, and with the spread of the idea of body sculpting, it is possible to achieve this, Flo You want to carve your body like Marilyn Monroe, we will give you in this article how to make your body like it in easy steps within six weeks.

Body Contouring
Body sculpting is used to reduce and slimming specific areas of the body to form textures on the shape you want, ma'am. The methods of carving the body including medical methods whether surgical or non-surgical such as the use of lasers, there are other ways you can do without going to the doctor to sculpt the body in the form of hourglass.

Weight loss
At the beginning you need to reduce body weight and reduce it completely before working on the slimming of specific areas by:
1. Exercise exercises cardio exercises or aerobic exercises help to burn body fat holistically, it focuses on the heart muscle, raises its efficiency leading to the increase of metabolic rate, burn fat, do cardio exercises 4 times a week, and you can increase the duration of the exercise from 20-30 minutes For an hour. You can also walk either in nature or walk on the electric treadmill, and you can play any sport you like swimming or running.
2. Low calorie diet You can follow a low-calorie diet, contains vegetables, fruit, fiber, reduce fat, sugars, dieting as well as exercise special cardio exercises for 4 days a week for 6 weeks help sculpt your body like Marilyn Monroe.
3. Practicing yoga

Yoga exercises help burn fat, strengthen your muscles, relieve stress and anxiety, and improve mood.
Slimming waist
The most important thing to get the texture of the hourglass shape, and draw the body curves is the waist slimming to be lower than the buttocks, here are the steps you have to follow to reduce the waist circumference:
Pilates Exercises
The core exercises focus mainly on the abdomen, slimming and tightening the muscles, which helps to slimming the waist, burn fat, strengthen your muscles, increase your physique, and from the exercises you can do:

100 Exercises

Lie down on the floor, bend your knees, lift your feet up, keep your arms on the sides, then lift your shoulders, back and arms a little from the ground, lift your legs up at a 45-degree angle and bend your back, then move your arms up and down, repeat this exercise a hundred times.
Carving Butt and buttocks

The last step in sculpting the body to get the body of the hourglass is to correct the curves of the backside and buttocks, in these ways:
Power Exercises
They are two types, the first one needs devices and machines and to practice you need to participate in health clubs or gyms and there is a second type you can do his exercises at home such as:

Buttock lift and pelvic strengthening exercise

You can lie on the floor, put your hands on the floor, then put the feet on the floor until the knee joint is 90 degrees, then lift the pelvis upwards and then lower it.

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