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Cure colds with 8 effective recipes

What do you do when you get colds? How can you treat colds naturally? Cold and flu are one of the most common viral diseases affecting humans, especially during the winter. These diseases cause the upper respiratory tract, which is an infectious disease transmitted by air through breathing or spray. It is also transmitted through tools such as eating utensils, Of the medicines to treat the symptoms of colds, but natural methods are better where they are free of harmful side effects, and in this article we will explain to you the most important natural ways to treat the symptoms of colds and flu.

Symptoms of colds:

  • Continuous sneezing.
  • Runny nose and cold.
  • Colds and nasal obstruction and difficulty breathing.
  • Cough.
  • Stress and general fatigue.
  • Continuous headache.
  • High temperature.
  • Sore throat and difficulty swallowing.

Cure colds

1 - treatment of colds in the plant Albilsan:

There are many types of bilassan, but Sambucus nigra is one of the most important therapeutic and preventive types of colds, also known as black cane, As it contains strong medical characteristics are as follows:
  • Antivirus .
  • Strengthen the immune system.
  • Antifungal.
  • Helps the respiratory system.
This natural herbal remedy strengthens and supports the immune system. It has powerful anti-viral properties that have the ability to treat these symptoms:
  • Cough.
  • Creation inflammation.
  • Gonorrhea and nasal obstruction.
  • Body and muscle aches.
The plant also contains strong anti-inflammatory properties that have the ability to treat body pains. It is also used as an allergy treatment. It reduces the swelling and swelling of mucous membranes. It also has the ability to treat rhinorrhea and helps to treat sore throat.

2 - treatment of colds with Acacia plants:

Acacia is one of the most powerful herbs that can be used to treat colds, which originated in North America. It has the ability to treat respiratory infections and its associated symptoms. It is an excellent source of the following elements:
  • Vitamin C
  • Flavonoids.
  • Multiple polysaccharides.
  • Alanyolin.
The medicinal properties of Acacia plant strengthen and support the immune system and are effective in treating headaches, sore throat, body and muscle pain.
Acacia is not the fastest herb that can treat colds quickly, but it may take more time to treat colds, but it works to treat symptoms very effectively.

3 - treatment of colds with the wormwood:

Herb herb is a herbal remedy that can be used instead of medicine. This herb can be used to treat the following conditions very effectively:
  • Heat (high temperature).
  • Weak immune system functions.
  • Muscle pain.
Although weed herb can treat the symptoms of colds very effectively, you should use them carefully because they can cause convulsions, as weed herb contains a chemical compound called THUJONE, which has an effect on the nervous system.

4 - red root herb red root herb ) helps treat colds:

You may not know the red root herb, but it is one of the common herbal treatments used in America during the war and the American Revolution. This herb is an amazing herb that works to reduce the symptoms of some symptoms of colds, which include the following symptoms:
  • Cough.
  • Congestion.
  • Accumulation of mucus in the nasal passages.
  • Congestion and sore throat.
Root herb contains strong antispasmodic properties that have the ability to treat coughs and cleanse the respiratory system from accumulation of mucus. Its flavor is similar to tea flavor but does not contain caffeine. This herb can also treat stomach ache and works to treat sore throat effectively. It helps to reduce inflammation quickly.

5 - treatment of colds Bonset grass:

Ponset herb helps to treat chronic respiratory problems. It has the ability to treat cough and congestion associated with respiratory infection. It is also an effective treatment for influenza. It also has the ability to treat many diseases, but it must be used carefully because it stimulates vomiting. Before pregnant or lactating women, this herb is effective in treating the following symptoms:
  • Heat (high temperature).
  • body aches .
  • Cough.
  • Congestion.
  • Chills.
This herbal treatment increases the amount of sweating associated with the body as a reaction to the high temperature, and it helps to treat congestion and cough and it has the ability to relieve pain and aches.
This herb is also effective in treating the symptoms of seasonal colds, which include chronic respiratory and allergic diseases associated with respiratory diseases.

6 - treatment of colds with grass arrowleaf balsamroot :

This herb is characterized by its various medical properties, which include some of the following characteristics:
  • Stimulate the expulsion of phlegm and mucus.
  • Helps to ease breathing.
  • Reduce the high temperature (fever).
  • Relieve throat congestion.
  • Methods of treating colds with ginger
This herb is widely used in the manufacture of commercial medicines used to treat coughs and diarrhea. This herb has proven effective in treating other respiratory problems such as problems related to asthma and pneumonia. You can easily find essential oil for this herb in online stores.

7-root licorice useful in treating colds:

Diabetes patients should use the root of licorice carefully as they can interact with some medications. Eating a cup of licorice root tea once a day stimulates the body to produce chemicals that help the body fight infection. It also stimulates T cells in the body. This herbal herb has strong anti-inflammatory properties that strengthen the immune system, so we recommend that you drink one cup of licorice root tea to get rid of the respiratory infection in a short time.

8-Sage and cure colds:

Marian tea is a natural herbal remedy for the symptoms of colds. However, you should consult your doctor before using sage if you are taking any sedatives or medications to treat spasticity or diabetes medication because it is possible to interfere with the work of these drugs.
Marium is a herb that has been used for many years as it has been used for medical purposes, it has the ability to increase fertility.
  • See cold treatment with honey and lemon
You can use the sage in two ways to treat the symptoms of colds very effectively as follows:
  • Gargle out.
  • Eat it in the form of tea.
  • See another wonderful recipe which is a tea recipe for treating colds
  • Cold treatment with cream Abu Faz
Gargle with sage helps to calm inflammation and sore throat quickly, while taken in the form of tea stimulates and strengthens the immune system, and it works to reduce pains and pains of the body and muscles very effectively, if you do not like the taste of sage tea can be added to water or water as an alternative to tea.

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