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Exercises to slim in a month with pictures

For anyone looking for slimming exercises in a month and over a short period of time, they can apply the following slimming exercises in pictures to get an ideal body within a short period of time. The practice of regular pressure exercises and other simple and effective exercises help in getting the ideal body. We will offer a range of exercises to get the ideal body and also to relax. It helps you to get a tight body. It is suitable for beginners, but it works to tighten the entire body muscles only when practicing these exercises for Half an hour a day will help you get tight muscles and improve metabolism.
These exercises are a simple way to get rid of excess weight problems and get a tight body and moreover you will not need to go to the gym and can do these exercises easily at home so you do not need any special equipment only weights traditional.

Exercises for slimming

1. Blanc exercise:

One of the most important slimming exercises that are rated as the most powerful T- Marin weight loss exercise is this. You should start by lying on the ground and face becomes against the ground and wear on the arms to support the body and feet also work to tighten the muscles of the abdomen and use the legs in the work of a simple bow to the knee and then the body again to return to the starting point to be the whole body in a straight line.
 2. Exercise pressure:
The exercise mat and lying on the ground so that the face in the ground, lifting the body with arms and feet on the feet and use the arms in the descent slowly to descend the chest in the direction of the earth and thus take the body position of pressure with repetition 10 times.
3. Bridge exercise:

Of slimming exercises powerful this exercise is also where he works as a bridge exercise to tighten the muscles of the upper body. Lie on the floor and put the arms beside you and using the arms you can lift the thigh away from the ground by 3 inches and feet on the ground and use your toes in raising the knees to a distance of more than 3 inches.
4. Super Man Exercise:
Lying on the ground so that the whole body in a straight line and extend the arms in front of you and lying on the ground with your toes and feet. Then, lift the right arm up and the right foot away from the ground and then switch between the arms.
5. Side Blanc exercise:
To start the lateral plank exercise by leaning on one of your arms so that the shoulder is above the wrist and feet and the feet are worn together to support the weight of the body lift one of the arms to the top so that the arm is completely free and the work of a simple curvature in the legs as shown in front of you in the picture.
6. Squat training:
Standing in a straight position with the opening of the feet with the width of the hips and the arms together in front of the chest and then, push the thighs to the back to cause tension in the abdominal muscles and lower the body down as if you sit on the chair and become hands on the hips and stay in this position for 2 seconds.
 7. Side-ditch exercise:
Stand straight and take a step forward with one foot and descend on the other knee to tighten the hamstrings. Open the right foot with the maximum distance you have and keep the left foot fixed on the ground.
 8. Squat jump training:
The exercise begins by taking the position of the teams through the upper body as if you take the position of sitting on a chair and then put your arms on your side to be used to push the body to the top during the jump and open the feet with the width of the shoulders after that, push the body to the highest and jump to the highest possible distance.
9. Frog Jump Exercise:

Next to the exercises to slim you come

Find a friend to practice together:
Searching for a friend for your participation in exercise can help you to continue and it is important to find someone who inspires you. Set up a list of all your workout-loving friends and help you practice regularly and achieve your goals in the end to reach your ideal body.
 Reading ingredients of foods:
It is necessary to eat healthy foods in order to achieve this, knowing the essential ingredients that make it easy to achieve your weight loss goals. Make sure basic ingredients like proteins, fiber and a source of healthy fats. As well as a lot of power and yogurt-free.
 Reduce muscle pain:
After a stressful exercise, there is a chance to improve your feeling after exercising. You can relieve muscle pain after exercise by soaking the upper part of the body in a cool bath of 50 - 55 degrees may have to throw some ice cubes in the water to get a bath for 15-20 minutes. Many athletes resort to this trick to reduce the pain after exercise and then get a massage session to help increase the chances of recovery.
 Reduce the dessert:
If you want to eat the dessert late at night, you should curb this desire and replace it with fruits and vegetables. For example, instead of eating a slice of chocolate cake you can eat a slice of apples covered with hazelnut butter or eat fresh figs with ricotta.
Health Snacks:
You should stay away from unhealthy snacks. So, before going shopping, select a list of healthy meals, preferably healthy and nutritious at the same time.
 Determine when you can measure weight:
If you are following a specific diet for a whole week, now is the time to start measuring your weight to see your progress. It is best to measure your weight in the morning before eating or drinking and before you sink into your daily activities. It helps you get the most trusted number in the morning.
 Eating and then running:
When you have 5 or 10 kilos you can get more food when you do a marathon. It is important planning well for what you eat the next morning will help you to provide nutrients. You can have a healthy breakfast such as a small bowl of oatmeal with fruit or toast with peanut butter. It is recommended to get 200 - 250 calories before warm-up exercise and do not worry will help you lose weight quickly.
 Reduce carbohydrate intake:
When you try to get the perfect body, you need to take precautionary measures such as getting rid of your carbohydrates and before you add more carbohydrates to your diet. Remember that there are delicious foods such as brown rice and even potato chips under the resistive starch, the carbohydrate-boosting carbohydrate.
Control of the meal inside the work:
A meal on your computer can lead to weight gain. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that people who eat the meal while on the computer will end up eating more cakes after 30 minutes of those who did not sit on the computer.
Increase in the number of light meals:
It's hard to avoid it at 3pm although it is good to eat anything that prevents you from over-eating dinner. Some options will help you maintain your weight loss path.
 Find Healthy Fast Food:
When you work late at night you may need to have dinner Do not worry if you find that fast meals are your only choice. You can make a clear decision about fast food. For example, you can think of salads, roast chicken and some low-calorie dishes, a vegetarian burrito dish.
 Fiber intake:
In addition to eating protein and healthy fats you should get fiber is one of the nutrients that increase the feeling of satiety and if you are looking for a better level of fitness fiber is your best friend. In fact, one study by the American Heart Association showed that participants who finished consuming 30 grams of fiber per day reduced weight and improved heart health. So when it comes to losing weight and staying healthy, your goal should be to get 30 grams of fiber.

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