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5 simple exercises to tighten the buttocks and rear

Buttocks and rearbuttocks are problems that may cause you embarrassment and discomfort, especially if you do not respond to diet and diet. Exercise is the best way to get rid of your buttocks in a fast and safe way. It will also help you tighten your skin and reduce the effects of stretch marks.

Here are five simple exercises you can do at home to get rid of buttocks and thighs without the need for complicated devices.

Exercise 1:
Of simple exercises that help burn fat buttocks and also help to stimulate blood circulation and strengthen the tendons of the knee.

Take the position of standing with the inclusion of feet, and advised to use appropriate weights and raise the level of shoulders. Take a step back with your knee on the ground and then reciprocate with the other foot and then rest on the knees together and return to the stand position again. Repeat the exercise 10 times per set.

Exercise 2 Ballet status:
Take a sitting position with one of the feet bent forward and the other foot back. Advise with hands on the ground and raise your foot as far as possible with the pressure on the back rather than on the front knee. Keep this position for 15 seconds and put it on the floor for 10 seconds and repeat 10 times per foot.

Exercise 3:

Take the position of standing with the appropriate weights and raise the level of shoulders, national Bend the right knee behind the left foot with the left foot bend 90 degrees, and then return to stand again. Repeat the exercise 10 times and repeat it alternately with the other foot.
Exercise 4:
Lie on your back with your foot pulled together and your knees together. Lift your buttocks with your feet on the floor and lift your heels. Open the knees and continue to lift the rear for 10 seconds, then join the knees and repeat 5 times with the return to lie down a little rest, and repeat the exercise five more times.

Exercise 5:
Step 1: Take the position of standing with the reduction of the hands on both sides of the body and use the appropriate weights. Bend the right foot back and bend the left at a 90 degree angle with the back of the back up and down and fix the foot on the previous position and then return to stand position.

Step 2: Bend the right foot at a 90 degree angle, extend the left side as far as possible with your hands down and then back to stand again. Repeat the exercise in a set of 10 times per foot.

These exercises work to tighten the buttocks, legs, buttocks, stimulate blood circulation, tighten the skin and reduce the appearance of stretch marks and you can exercise once a day or three times a week to get satisfactory results.

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