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The benefits of orange for the sex .. How contributes orange oil to improve marital life?

Do you like eating oranges? Do you enjoy it in the cold winter evening in front of the television? So do you like to eat it as fruit or juice? You may know that orange has many important health benefits to body health, skin cells and hair, but do you know what the benefits of oranges specifically for sex? Can it contribute to improving your marital life or not? Dear reader This article to discuss together this topic.
What is the nutritional value of orange?
Oranges have about 60 calories per medium-sized fruit. Orange contains high levels of fiber, vitamin B, folic acid, and potassium. Oranges contain approximately 95% of your daily vitamin C needs. Orange is rich in polyphenols, anthocyanins, and flavonoids, all of which are antioxidant substances in the body. The orange fruit contains approximately 15 grams of carbohydrates, which come mostly from sugars, in addition to a very low amount of protein.

The benefits of orange for the sex 

The possibility of taking advantage of the wonderful nutritional values ​​of orange, which are mentioned above in improving the health level of the body in general, which also often lead to an improvement in the intimate relationship. Orange contains carotenoids and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that have a role in fighting cancer, especially prostate cancer. Oranges also contain flavonoids, a study published in 2016 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that this compound may reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction in men. Also, there is the essential oil for the orange peel. Yes, this oil, which is used in cakes and sweets as a flavor and refreshing aroma, orange oil may have properties that make it a mild stimulant drug. It can be used systematically and systematically to treat problems such as: . Erection problems. Impotence. Loss of interest in intimacy. Low libido. Of course, you should consult your doctor before using orange oil for this therapeutic purpose, as he will decide with you the appropriate dose and method of use, or may prescribe some drugs containing orange oil extract.

What are the benefits of other healthy orange?
As you know, the orange contains a lot of nutritional values and important elements and vitamins, so it offers the following benefits to the body: Cancer prevention. Cholesterol lowering. Improve vision health. Skin care and skin. hair care. Reduce the risk of diabetes. Treatment of viral infections. Prevention of kidney disease.
Other fruits for a better married life 

There are some other fruits that can help you in one way or another improve your married life, and these fruits include: green apples and red. Red grapes. Cherry. Mulberry. These fruits contain a type of antioxidant known as kercetin, a type of flavonoid that offers a number of important sex-related benefits such as controlling prostate inflammation, preventing painful bladder syndrome, and helping to promote blood circulation in the genitals, so keep these fruits included Always within your diet.

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