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5 ways to Practice Squat exercise

Exercise is one of the most important factors in preventing thousands of serious health conditions.

Sports strengthens the muscles and helps to stimulate blood circulation within the body and thus will be a powerful factor to protect against physical and psychological health problems and diseases. There are many different and varied exercises. The most important of these exercises are the exercises of squat. They have many benefits that affect the body and muscles. There are also many types and methods of exercise. In this article, we will talk about the exercises and how to stay at home.

What are the exercises of silence?
Sickness exercises are one of the most common exercises among athletes, especially women. It is one of the most important exercises practiced in gyms and sports clubs. Squat training is what is known as squatting exercise because it depends on bending the leg in all ways of exercise. It may be difficult exercises to practice at first because it helps to tighten the muscles of the buttocks, thighs, legs and buttocks, but after exercise and exercise it becomes one of the most easy exercise and favorite for many women, especially that it can be done indoors.

The benefits of exercises
Slum exercises have many health benefits on the woman's body. They help remove cellulite from the body by tightening the flaccid body muscles, especially the thighs and back, and increase the flow of oxidized blood to all parts of the body. Squeezing helps improve bone health and reduces vulnerability. It also helps to strengthen the muscles of the knee. Above all, it improves digestive function and treats stomach pain. One of the most important benefits of the exercises of the slums is that it deals with back pain and improve the strengthening of joints and calm the muscles are also very effective in burning fat and the elimination of excess weight.

Methods of exercise exercises

1 - exercises silence to stand
This exercise is the basic exercise of the scotties and is by standing on the ground in a straight shoulder width, and extend my hands forward in order to be at the level of the chest, and the feet are going to be away from each other, and gradually see the descent by the buttocks until you reach the level of the knees Then slowly return to the first position.

2 - Exercises slapping bending knees
This exercise is done by standing on the feet with your hands on your hips and keep the muscles of your belly well and raise your chest up, then lower down gradually and bend the knees as if you sit and do not allow your knees to stretch forward, and then lock your feet When you reach the standing position with your legs straightened, repeat it ten times.

3 - Skipping exercises jumping
While this exercise is very easy and is by standing on the feet with the extension of the hands forward or up and then national bend the knees like the first exercise, but the difference here is that after you remain on this situation, once you raise your body and jump several times and after the completion of jumping back To the first situation is squatting.

4. Weight lifting exercises
This exercise is very easy and depends on weight lifting with your hands, it helps to tighten the muscles of the legs and strengthen the muscles of the pelvis, and is practiced by standing on the feet in a straight way, taking care to spread the feet a little and then carry the weight of your hands to be at the level of the chest, and then start Bend your knees down with your chest and shoulders up and your back straight, then lower your body as slowly as you can so that your weight-bearing hands meet with each other by lifting your legs.

5 - Ballet Ballet exercises

One of the most prominent types of exercises is Ballet exercise, which increases the strengthening of the muscles of the legs and the back significantly and is practiced by standing on the fingertips with bending knees and allow your foot to reach the bottom of a point squatting, then return to stand again, and repeated 15 times during the exercise the one

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