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The effects of smoking on men

The effects of smoking are on everyone, whether the smoker or the passive smoker who smells the smell and does not smoke. There are also many harmful effects of smoking on men, which must stop smoking immediately to protect himself from these diseases. There is no doubt that smoking has many negative effects on the health and body of men and women alike, and it is a bad habits, The risk of many diseases such as cancer, heart and lung disease and a large number of health problems. In this article we will explain to you the damage caused by smoking on the health and fertility of men.

Smoking damage on men

Smoking and Fertility

One of the most dangerous smoking effects on men is the effect on fertility. In April 2016, European Urology published an analysis of the effect of smoking on the health and quality of semen in men. The analysis included 20 studies and more than 5,000 men throughout Europe. Studies found that smoking was Is associated with a decrease in the number of sperm in men and it leads to the reduction of movement of sperm (this is how sperm swim) and it leads to weakness sperm morphology (the method of forming sperm), and highlighted the negative effects of smoking on the health of animals Sperm was strongest in men with infertility, in smokers moderate to heavy smokers compared Bkulaila smoking.
But this is not the only way smoking can affect men's fertility. Smoking is also associated with lower IVI success rates. The reason for the mutation of abortion rates may be that passive smoking also affects female fertility, so when you smoke you do not reduce sperm health You only have but also reduce women's fertility by passive smoking.

Smoking damage on sperm and semen quality?

One of the harmful effects of smoking on men and the lack of studies showed that smoking in males decreased sperm quality, where the concentration of sperm in men and smokers decrease sperm movement also (sperm swimming method), and the number of sperm from the normal number and increase acid damage Nuclear DNA for sperm.
Sperm concentration: Sperm concentration refers to the number of sperm found in semen, and studies have shown a 23% reduction in sperm concentration in men who smoke.
Sperm movement: Sperm refers to the ability to swim sperm, if sperm can not swim properly may have trouble getting to the egg and fertilize.
MORPHOLOGY OF Sperm: Sperm morphology refers to the shape of sperm Sperm-shaped sperm may not swim well enough to reach the egg and may not be able to fertilize the egg. Male smokers have a number of sperm cells that are less healthy than those found in males Non-smokers.
Sperm DNA: Some studies have found that the sperm of smokers increases the fragmentation of sperm DNA. DNA-damaged sperm may cause fertility problems, fetal development, embryo implantation, and lead to increased miscarriage rates. Male smokers may also have Non-normal levels of hormones that can negatively affect fertility.

Can male smoking cause infertility in males?

Low number and health of sperm cells does not always mean Infertility Smoking studies of pregnancy rates and infertility in males are contradictory or unclear for men who are already on the borderline for infertility Smoking may be enough reason to push them to the edge to infertility.
If the results of semen analysis have returned to the limits of infertility, quitting smoking may improve your fertility enough to do not need any additional fertility treatment, so at the very least that quitting the smoking habit may improve the chances of successful treatment of fertility.

Smoking damage if the father smokes may affect the fertility of children

Research has also been done on the impact of smoking on children to study whether passive smoking may lead to infertility in children in the future?
The results did not show a link between a child's low fertility if the father smoked (but research found that when the mother smokes it increases the risk of her child being infertile in the future).
This does not mean that the father's smoking does not affect the health of the child in other ways, researchers found an increase in the risk of birth defects in children of male smokers in addition to increased risk of cancer and may be related to DNA damage to sperm.
One study has been done on the sperm DNA of smokers who have changes in DNA. Although it is not yet known how this affects future children, in theory it can explain the increased risk of birth defects found in the offspring of male smokers.

Smoking damage affects male fertility

The reason for the harmful and bad health effects of smoking is mostly due to the toxins found in cigarettes, as smoking presents men with high levels of cadmium and lead, which are associated with low fertility in men. Studies have found that lead levels are significantly higher in smokers who suffer Of infertility compared with non-smokers who are infertile or not. Studies have shown that smokers who smoke profusely (those who smoke 20 or more cigarettes a day) have higher levels of cadmium in semen
But these toxins may not be the only factor zinc levels may play an important role also, one study found that male smokers who have low levels of zinc in the semen also have a low concentration of sperm, on the other hand, in smokers who have normal levels of liquid Semen still had problems with sperm concentration, movement and formation but the degree of disturbance was lower.

Smoking affects men and has a secondary effect on female fertility

Smoking may affect a woman's health negatively. Studies have shown a potential decrease in female fertility when women experience secondhand smoke. One study found that secondhand smoke reduces the number of eggs in IVF by 46%.
If you smoke you should be sure to do so away from your partner so as not to adversely affect her fertility and reproductive ability.

The effects of smoking on men and the process of artificial cleansing and injecting microscopy

The researchers carried out many researches and studies on the effect of male smoking on the success rate of artificial insemination with the treatment of syringes. Microscopic treatment includes taking one sperm and directing it directly to the egg in the hope of fertilization. This method is often used for treatment in cases Infertility in men in mild to severe cases or when previous IVF treatments failed for unknown reasons.
The researchers found that smoking had a significant effect on the success rate of IVF with ICT. In one small study, the rate of pregnancy among women who smoked their partners was 22% for women who did not smoke their partners.
If you are undergoing fertility treatment, you should quit smoking to increase the chances of successful fertilization.

The effects of smoking on men and chewing tobacco 

In general, smoking is more harmful to your overall health than chewing tobacco. However, chewing tobacco is harmful to health. It increases the risk of oral cancer, respiratory cancer, and cardiovascular disease.
Studies have found that chewing tobacco can negatively affect sperm concentration, movement, shape and vitality, but it is not clear whether it affects them enough to reduce fertility. Tips to help get rid of smoking

When can you stop smoking?

Quitting smoking is very important and in fact there are no specific studies looking at it. However, we know that it may take up to three months to reach the sperm cells to maturity so fertility may improve at least three months after quitting smoking . 

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