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Benefits of oranges for skin .. 7 benefits not taught by orange to your skin

What nutritional values in oranges? Benefits of orange skin
Other benefits of orange
Are there side effects of orange?

Orange is one of the most popular fruits in the world, and it is also the most useful. Oranges enjoy a good reputation especially in winter, where they are usually a companion in winter evening sessions, either as fruit or juice. Preventing colds, but are the benefits of orange limited to its health benefits only? Or does it have aesthetic benefits as well? What are the benefits of oranges for skin and skin? This is what we will learn in this article dear reader, so read with us.
Benefits of oranges for skin .. 7 benefits not taught by orange to your skin

What nutritional values in oranges?
 Each orange clove contains 21.4 grams of total carbohydrates, with 16.9 grams of natural sugar. These carbohydrates nourish your muscles and provide the energy your body needs to maintain your metabolism.
 Orange glass also provides 4.4 grams of fiber and helps to combat constipation and digestive disorders, and helps reduce cholesterol.
 Orange also contains a large amount of thiamine or vitamin B1, and eating a cup of orange slices helps you get 185 micrograms of vitamin B 1, which is 15% of the recommended amount for men, and 17% of the recommended amount for women.
 Orange contains a large amount of vitamin C, where a cup of orange slices contains 83.2 mg of vitamin C, which is more than the daily value of women is 75 milligrams, and men need 90 milligrams.
Benefits of orange skin
 Orange is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B1, and folic acid, which are important vitamins for healthy skin. Vitamin C in orange activates the enzymes needed to form collagen, a protein that strengthens your skin.
 Vitamin A helps to grow skin cells and prevent damage. Vitamin A in orange preserves skin cells from free radicals and toxins.
 Vitamin A helps soften the skin by maintaining moisture and preventing dehydration.
 Orange helps with vitamin A to prevent paired skin and dryness.

 Improves vitamin B 1 and folic acid from blood flow to the skin. Antioxidants and lemonade in oranges contribute to the prevention of skin cancer from the rupture of free radicals.
Other benefits of orange
  Maintains eyesight promotes healthy bones and muscles.
  Helps prevent cancer.

  Reduces cholesterol levels.
Are there side effects of orange?
 Orange is a fruit that is safe to use in natural quantities and does not produce any side effects. However, the most common orange defect may be citrus, whose long exposure erodes the tooth port, which may increase the risk of decay over time.
Eat citrus such as orange, lemon, grapefruit, and other acidic fruits.
Orange and skin
 Orange juice, peel or peel oil can cause allergic reactions to the skin, if applied directly to it, so it should be tested first on a small area of skin, and wait for 24 hours.

Check with your doctor if you are taking vitamin A supplementation with large amounts of oranges because you do not take too much vitamin A.

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