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Do you need protein powder after exercising?

There is no doubt that talking about protein powder is a hot topic in the health industry, starting with the personal trainers of the protein powder images they eat after practicing sports on social networking sites and making it as an alternative to eating large quantities of natural protein such as chicken, meat and fried eggs. Everyone became interested in that subject. But the question here is do we really need protein powder? It is certain that there are many people who do not know the correct answer to this question so we are through this article seek to answer this question.

What is protein:

Protein is an essential part of the body and is present in all cells of the body. It also plays a role in the way your body works, especially in the process of building and repairing tissues. Protein is called a large nutrient which means that your body needs more quantity than vitamins and minerals.
We get the protein we need naturally from protein-rich food sources, and the foods that provide us with protein:
  • Chicken 25 g of protein.
  • Eggs 13 g of protein.
  • Fish 19 grams of protein.
  • The Roman Roast 14 grams of protein.
  • Beef 14 g of protein.
  • Milk 4 g of protein.
  • Legumes 5 g of protein.
  • Nuts 20 grams of protein.

How much protein do we need?

Each person has their own dietary requirements, and this applies to protein. Different body sizes, body shape, type and lifestyle all affect the amount of protein a person needs.

For a normal person who does not require special protein requirements in his diet:

  • The male should eat about 56 g of protein every day.
  • The female should eat 46 g of protein every day.
For example, pregnant women and lactating women need a larger amount of protein than usual, requiring 71 g of protein per day.
In some circumstances, some people may need more or less protein than the recommended amount. Professional athletes and people trying to build muscles are classified under this category. They need to eat more protein. They need to eat about 180 grams of protein a day.

Why You Need Protein When You Exercise:

The reason why protein binds to hard exercise is the role that protein plays in muscle building.
The muscles contain large quantities of protein, which is broken and repaired continuously; when you exercise, your body consumes some of the protein in the muscle and converts it to energy so that this protein must be replaced and here comes the role of your diet; It gives you the protein you need, but when you exercise, you need more protein than usual to build muscle.
Through scientific research has been proved the effectiveness of food diets based on large amounts of protein when practicing sports exercises; and that protein supplements may help to reach the large quantities that your body needs of protein.
As for the way you should get the protein, it is enough to eat it through your diet and it is not necessary to take it after the exercise directly.
Studies have shown that carbohydrates are the most important nutrient that should be taken immediately after exercise and not protein. Protein intake was also linked to weight reduction. The study examined the effect of increasing protein intake and lowering blood sugar levels through dietary diets and found that this method is effective in maintaining weight loss. So we think eating more protein in our diet has some benefits on our body; but does that mean we should take protein powder instead of eating more protein-rich food?

Is protein powder better than protein-rich food?

The main benefit of protein powder is its containment of a large amount of protein concentrate, which makes it easy for you to get the quantity your body needs in order for protein to reach the desired results.
  • Each 100 g of board contains 80 g of protein and that protein-dense dose makes it easy to reach the protein amounts needed to build muscle. But let's talk a little bit here. Do you really need to take the protein powder to get the required doses of protein?
Yes, there are many scientific studies that show that there are multiple cases that need to eat more than normal protein, but there is no study indicating that these additional doses of protein should come from protein powder.
When you listen to your thinking, do you find yourself in need of protein powder or all this because of advertising advertisements for companies to produce protein powder is the one that tells you that you need this board.
  • In some cases, which require large amounts of protein, such as professional athletes, protein powder may provide them with a practical solution to get the quantity they need to maintain their muscles. But for the vast majority of people, they can get the protein they need from protein-rich eating .

Can a large amount of protein powder cause damage?

Of course you should ask yourself before you begin to take protein powder whether the large amount of protein is safe for you or not.
  • Theoretically, the large amounts of protein in the bloodstream may put a lot of pressure on the liver; liver is usually the filter of the blood to get out the molecules that your body does not need in urine.
  • Protein compounds produced by a long chain of amino acids and because of their large size may lead to holes in the filter in the liver, which may lead to major problems in the process of urination in the future.
This effect has been shown in rats in many studies and they have had kidney problems after a protein-rich diet. However, there are no studies showing human impact on the same problem. On the contrary, many studies have found that a person can follow a diet containing 30% protein with little side effects.

Judgment of protein powder:

Normal people need 50-60 grams of protein every day and this is the quantity that every individual should be able to reach through his diet alone.
  • Food such as meat, fish and eggs from protein-rich sources may be consumed by people seeking to increase their protein intake.
  • As for vegetarians who can not get protein through these sources, they should look for other sources to reach the recommended amounts of protein per day, such as legumes.
Protein powder is commonly used by professional athletes and people who seek to increase their muscle mass. Although there is no research suggesting that eating too much protein can damage your liver, in theory it may harm it. Studies in mice have shown that.
Because of this, you should try to increase the proportion of protein in a moderate way in your diet to be on the safe side. If you need more protein in your diet, start with simple adjustments in your diet until you increase the protein content in a natural way.

Eating more chicken, fish and eggs is an excellent way to start. Then if you need to eat more protein and you can not do it through food then you can start thinking about taking protein powder. But remember that even eating a protein must have its limits and that increasing nutrients in the body can cause damage rather than amputation.

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